The Elder Scrolls Online Update 2.09 Patch Notes vom 30. September

The Elder Scrolls Online Update 2.09

Die ZeniMax Online Studios haben heute ein neues Update für The Elder Scrolls Online veröffentlicht, für PS4 und Xbox One. Wir haben alle Informationen zu dieser Konsolen Aktualisierung am 30. September.

Das Elder Scrolls Online Update 2.09 steht ab sofort bereit zum Download. Dieses Update wurde bereits für die PC Version veröffentlicht, mit der Version 6.1.7


Elder Scrolls Online Patch Notes 2.09

Bethesda hat noch keine offiziellen Patch Details zu der Konsolen Version veröffentlicht. Bis wir weitere Informationen haben, zeigen wir euch die letzten PC Patch Notes, welche Identisch sein sollten.


  • Fixed an issue where mount stamina could drain irregularly fast in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where movement position abilities, such at leaps or charges, could become locked out after being affected by an Immunity area like Imperial City spawns.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not progress the Vampire Skill line while feeding if you had Radiant Magelight slotted. The light was just too brilliant for your dark deeds. 
  • Fixed an issue where your character animations could break while using a personality. 
  • Fixed an issue where engaging in combat with some Lich monsters could cause your game to lock up or crash.
  • Fixed an issue if you had most abilities unlocked, you could start seeing some abilities as acquirable when you had already acquired them. This issue was also preventing you from bar swapping or reviving after death.



  • Fixed a crash that could occur when editing housing path nodes.


  • Fixed an issue where the appearance of the “Dwarven Table, Refined” furnishing changed unexpectedly. This furnishing once again has its original, intended appearance.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented you from dueling in Stillwaters Retreat.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a minimum loading time of 10 seconds. Now, if a short load can be completed under 10 seconds, it will be. Longer load times are unaffected.
  • Fixed a very rare crash that was most common in high intensity combat scenarios with many characters.
  • Fixed an issue where your game could crash while in the Crown Crate menu.


  • The link to purchase crowns now points to the Stadia store.
  • Fixed an issue where recently grouped players were not appearing in the recent players list.



  • Fixed an issue with monsters in relation to how they evaluate targets. They will now react to players much more predictably, especially in situations where a large number of players and monsters are located (such as in dungeons or trials).



  • That Which Was Lost: The bounty hunter can now be pickpocked at part of Velsa’s quest for the Thieves Guild.


Quelle: Elder Scrolls Online